Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Day Four

Its January 4th, and my guess is that there are a few of you who set some pretty well intentioned resolutions and you're finding yourself struggling for a few different reasons. I'm not here to pass judgement or give you a guilt trip, but I am wondering if maybe we could just lean in together for a moment...

One of the habits I set out to change (for good this time, because I've had this resolution many times before) is to wake up early in the morning. To create space in my day just for me and my relationship with God, and to make that such a priority that it comes first thing in the morning.'s the thing. 
I didn't for one second think this would be an easy step to take. I knew there would be a million and one reasons for me to not wake up before the sun, or my children. Things I could easily overcome, but possibly choose not to, and things that seem to be unavoidable obstacles. But, this is what I also know to be so very true and where I rest in confidence... 

I am not pursuing a one way street. I am not the only one seeking to meet someone. This is a two sided relationship. My Heavenly Father is desperately seeking to meet with me as well, and He has the power to move mountains in order to help make that happen. Move mountains, people! Try as he might, the enemy CANNOT defeat this one. I have The Lord, Himself, pursuing me. So regardless of what the circumstances look like or what arrows of deception the enemy flings my way, I rest in knowing that the One I am seeking is bigger than it all. It is with boldness that I attack the morning and run to meet my Father.  

Sunday, January 1, 2017

my word.

Every New Year I see people declaring a word for the year, and every year I think its the most ridiculous thing ever. Until this year. I've joined the masses. Here's where this New Year finds me...

RENEW (v):
To resume (an activity) after an interruption.
  • re-establish (a relationship).
  • repeat (an action or statement).
  • give fresh life or strength to.
  • replace (something that was broken or worn out).

So, why renew?
Because 2017 isn't a time for me to start all over. I don't have plans to make an about-face or complete 180 this year. I don't have outrageous life change in the works, but my heart is certainly renewed. My soul, is different...or quite frankly, I've found it. Small tweaks and changes in habits will no doubt be happening, but that's just life and growth and...well, surface. What's renewed is deep within, so much so that I can't quite explain it. I just know I've found it and it's amazingly alive and beautifully messy and perfectly His.

Because the Lord so purposefully interrupted my life these past few years in order to re-establish our relationship. He very purposefully brought me face to face with some messy stuff and then pursued me through the healing, with the only peace found in His presence. If His hand wasn't so abundantly clear leading up to the hard stuff, I likely wouldn't have trusted Him throughout the long road that followed. I've learned that when God leads your path straight towards the storm, its not by mistake. His ways are perfect. And in my case, sometimes the most growth comes after the storm has settled. That's when God re-established Himself in my life. In the midst of the clean up.

Because I'm not willing to throw out the hardships of the past few years entirely. Don't hear me wrong though, I will not dwell. Not for one second. That's when the enemy wins. But I most certainly will look to give God every bit of glory that He so very much deserves for walking before me, with me, and behind me throughout this season. There have been some incredibly amazing ways I've seen His provision and generous blessing, while also growing me deeply in the midst of using and restoring me.

Because I find myself returning to very similar outward circumstances, but with an entirely different inward spirit. My ministry burn is so strong again. To be used by and for Him, but in a renewed way. I lean on God differently. I understand Him more fully. I rest in Him more completely. This isn't a new year for me, it's a renewed year. A year to return, to pick up again and continue on, to embrace what comes next from a renewed place.

The anticipation is high, y'all!! I can't wait to see how God uses our family in 2017!