Saturday, March 5, 2011


Last night we went to a praise and worship event at church called Satellite. Four area worship leaders came together and brought some of their favorite songs to share. It was such an awesome night!

One of the local worship leaders was sharing a story about a point in time when his walk with Christ took a drastic change. He told us of his upbringing, how his grandmother was the secretary of the church he attended, which was a major factor in even going in the first place. He shared with us about an event he had gone to where those who were attending would simply shout out their favorite hymn number that they wanted to sing. As he sat with the others he heard his favorite song begin to play, "Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!", but soon realized one odd thing. As they all were singing this song, nobody was actually standing. A little ironic, don't you think?! How can we say one thing, but act completely the opposite?

Have you ever been in church while everyone was sitting and singing, to later see a few people rise to their feet? Or have you been standing with others as they lift their hands to Christ, fall to their knees, or even clap and sway? Lately, I'd say in the last 2 or 3 years, I've been amazed over and over by one thing in particular, and I was reminded of it yet again last night. Youth who lift their hands to Christ in praise. There's just something about it that hits me time and time again. As I stood singing with everyone else, folks all around the room were praising the Lord, but the 8 youth in front of me continually caught my eye.

I'll be honest and say that my knowledge of worship within the Bible in a bit limited. I mean, we all know its important, but why? What does the Bible say about worship, what is it, what does it look like, why do we do it? A few weeks ago our worship leader tackled this topic with one of the most amazing sermons I've ever heard....check it out here. It made be appreciate these youth even more.

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