Thursday, February 20, 2014

Have A Mary Day

As the grand opening of WatersEdge Church is quickly approaching, fasting is on many of our minds right now. Early this morning Phil was asking me if I'd be able to fast at some point this week. Thinking through things I wasn't sure it'd be the best idea to do a complete fast, but I could fast from certain things. As I started to contemplate what food I could give up, God spoke clearly into my heart about what today would look like instead. 

"Fast from Martha" is all I heard... hit me hard and I knew exactly what God was asking me to do, or rather not do today. You see, over the past few days I have been so incredibly busy doing and worrying. Running from store to store purchasing supplies, assembling and storing, labeling and organizing, meeting with people, making phone calls, tracking packages, waiting for deliveries, worrying if that UPS truck will ever show up, planning for every outcome imaginable...just doing, busily, non-stop. Its my default, to a fault. I do things, a lot of them, and crowd myself and my time with the things that aren't nearly as important as time spent sitting at my Lord's feet. 

So today, I fast from Martha and all the doing and worrying. 
I literally stop. 
I wait. 
I pray.
I listen to Him and hear His heart for this ministry. 
I bask in the ability to just be with my God and know that in the midst of my not-doing, He is still in control of every outcome and possibility to come. That it is far more important for me to focus on being with Him than doing for me. Because, after all, He is in control and all of the things that I feel are so important to get done pale in comparison to His ability to simply work through me while I'm willing to lay it all down and focus on Him. 

This is the lesson in ministry that I have had to learn and re-learn more times than I can count. But today I'm so thankful that as the temptation of doing creeps back, I hear the whispers of God to stop and rely on Him during this time instead. 

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