Monday, February 21, 2011

Fan or Follower

I thought I'd start by back tracking just a bit to catch up on the happenings of Phil and I as of lately. We're excited that we've finally found our home church (Southbrook Church) and were able to really get plugged in there around New Years. At that time, our pastor was just starting a sermon series that ended up shaking both Phil and myself. As a church we started discovering the differences between being a fan of Christ as opposed to true followers of the Lord. We uncovered some harsh truths about our own lives and inevitably also our new marriage. What we discovered was that although we longed for a Christ centered marriage and had sought to prepare ourselves for this during our engagement, now that we're actually living it out we have missed the mark completely. We were simply fans of the concept, but never actually let go of the control of our marriage in order to truly follow what Christ has planned for us. At that point, we decided it was only right for us to accept a challenge from our pastor for a 1 year commitment to becoming true followers of Christ. Over the next year we're focusing on using 5 tools to help us in this process, which include:
1. Reading the Bible: cover to cover this year
2. Praying: daily and deepening our prayers
3. Missions: locally and internationally
4. LifeGroups: committing to a small group
5. Tithe: giving back to God

So, how's it going so far?? AMAZING! But more on that later...

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